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Store Page. STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ... Dxun - Sith tomb Freedon Nadd - terminal equation. I'm as the.... theres 2 ancient terminals in the tomb of freedon nadd and to use them and get the ancient boxes open, you have to figure out the riddle type.... East Ancient Box The answer: (6 x 2) - 8 + 9 x 1 = 13 is one of the correct answer for the puzzle. (6 x 2) - 8 + 9 1 = 13 is the other one.. Dxun/Onderon is a bit wacky in the sense that it's split up into two portions. ... Mandalore doesn't grasp the whole concept of KOTOR - you must always ... So now we know what the temple really is - the tomb of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd.. 4000 BBY (Onderon)[1]Reconstructed in 3998 BBY (Dxun)[2] Onderon ... nadd tomb sith master, kotor 2 freedon nadd tomb terminal, kotor 2 freedon nadd tomb.. So here's my problem: I'm currently on Dxun in the Sith tomb killing sith ... but here's when the problem started: when I powered up the terminal,.... Return to Dxun Edit Jul 31, 2003 Page 2 of 5 - KOTOR Ranked The Best ... In a supplies container in there, you'll find a Medpac, 2 Computer Spikes, ... Tomb of Naga Sadow was the final resting place of the Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow.. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords - poradnik do gry ... [Onderon - Dxun] Onderon Finale - Tomb of Freedon Nadd | Star Wars KOTOR II poradnik Star ... Jak w pierwszej misj jak chodze robocikiem naprawi ten komputer.... Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (PC) Walkthrough. ... Now you must choose who to send on your Dxun expedition. For the leader ... With [Computer Use] slice into it, then access the system commands. Now ... Make sure to search the two small dead ends up here, before heading into the Tomb. You'll.... 2 - Sith & Ancient Terminal ... Use the Ancient Terminal in the center of the room for a puzzle that unlocks the nearby Ancient ... Kotor 2 Dxun Sith Tomb Puzzle.. ... OLD REPUBLIC II: (THE SITH LORDS) MODIFICATION Kreia to Dxun Tomb ... DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.. 2) The Valley There are two important points to note while walking through the valley. ... Secondly, when you go near one of the tombs on either side of the valley you'll be ... Enter your ID and the computer will open the way to the Library at #3. ... With the Sith Academy completed it's time to head to the Shyrack Cave if you.... For Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords on the ... before entering the tomb and when I got to the terminal, I inputted the.... Home Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Star Wars: General ... If you ignore remainders (stupid computer integer math), you also have: (6*2)+8/9+1 ... B.) Been through the hidden tomb on Korriban. ... cave in the very back where, I believe you can get Qel-Droma's Robe in Kotor I.. (6_2)_8_9_1=13 is supposed to be (6*2)-8+9*1=13 but it doesnt work for me! ive tried it so many times now it has to be a bug. ???. Star Wars KOTOR 2 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. ... You can listen to her info about each Sith tomb to gain dark side points. ... This leads to the dormitories and some computer terminals. ... You will have a vision taking you back to Dxun during the Mandalorian crusade.. r/kotor: A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG *Star Wars: ... I usually send the "Junior Jedi squad", Handmaiden/Disciple + 2 of Mira/Visas/Atton. ... Plus mandalore is very useful on dxun. ... Made the final battle super unsatisfying but cruising through the star forge, force jumping and one hitting sith was dope.. Soldats Sith l'entranement dans le tombeau de Freedon Nadd. Pour l'instant, le ... Les Siths travaillaient sur un vieux terminal informatique. Il y a six ... Qui sont ces Sith, dans Kotor 2, dont l'objectif est de faire tomber la Rpublique ? Mais de.... kotor 2 dxun temple Let's Play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II ... of Dxun. kotor 2 dxun temple Dxun Sith tomb Freedon Nadd terminal.... Dxun - Sith tomb Freedon Nadd - terminal equation I'm as the title says in Freedon Nadd's tomb and cants find out the equation on the terminal (the one with an...
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